Liebe Marla, lieber Manuel, ich weiß gar nicht, wie sehr ich euch danken kann für diese unglaublichen heart-warming days!! Es war so eine wunderschöne, riesigen Spaß machende Zeit voller Vertrauen, good vibes in so besonders tollen Venues! (…) Great, great team work! Nächstes Mal werden mehr von Class 80 da sein - versprochen :) Erholt euch gut and see you soon!

Hugs, Nora (Class of 80)

Easy path to German citizenship

This may interest many in our community. A new German law from August 2021 allows you to attain citizenship by “declaration.” You qualify if for example your originally German mother…

What people are telling us…

I’m not sure I can make it, but I really want to come. I may bring my family—wife, and 3 teenage kids. Thanks so much for organizing. I have not…